The Breath of Winter: Solstice Eve 2018
Many years ago now, around this time of year, I came down with a bad case of bronchitis. My lungs were not the same afterwards. I was diagnosed with asthma. About 10 years ago, I started having more and more reactions to the medications. In 2009 I went for acupuncture. More than a year into […]
Fall Equinox 2018: The Stillpoint
I walk to work every day, zig-zagging, cross-stepping as-the-crow-flies, in a beeline from my place in Boyle Street, on through downtown Edmonton. This year some of the route has changed as my own life has changed. Work has moved and my role with it; I have to walk a little farther than I used to. […]
Summer Solstice 2018: Consider the Lilies
One rainy day a couple of weeks ago, I was standing at the corner of 100th Street and 102nd Avenue with the usual students, professionals (me included) and “people without place” waiting for the light to change. I had my big umbrella with me, the one I like to use for heavy rain because it […]
Spring Equinox 2018: Here for good
Recently someone new to Alberta asked me, “When does the snow stop?” really meaning to ask, “When does spring come?” “It comes and it goes,” I replied. “And then suddenly it’s here for good.” My mom left a message on my phone a couple of weeks ago: “It’s running out there! You can hear the […]
Winter Solstice 2017: Darkness and Light
The last few years I’ve gotten into the habit of putting out photographs in my living room of those near me who have died during the year. Their faces greet me each day as I go about my morning yoga; they smile at me every evening on my return from work. I leave them out […]
Fall Equinox 2017: Music and Prophecies
I have an image of my child self that I often call to mind. I am probably 10 or 11 years old; it is the 1960s. I am sitting between our family kitchen and living room, my back against the door jamb, my knees pulled up in front of me, listening to the radio that […]
Summer 2017: Healing Leaves 150
And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22:2 A few weeks ago on a CBC Ideas podcast, How Art Shapes History, the moderator asked a panel of artists: What makes a nation? Christi Belcourt, a Michif (Métis) visual artist, pointed out that this land we call Canada is […]
Brighid’s Wheel: The Perpetual Fire
This past Wednesday I saw my doctor for my annual physical. Last year at this time my blood pressure was 80/60. I had been feeling the fatigue for months and would for many more. This January my blood pressure was back to 104/72, normal for me. I had always had low blood pressure, but never […]